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Assistant Professor Hsin Wen Hsu (許馨文) of the Department of International Affairs presents a paper in IUAES 2016 in Croatia. (2016.05.04–2016.05.09)

發布日期 2018-06-26 16:01:00

Assistant Professor Hsin Wen Hsu (許馨文) of the Department of International Affairs presents a paper (titled “Privatizing and Publicizing Cultural Expressions: Cultural Property Making of Hakka Bayin Music in Taiwan”) at the following conference in Croatia: The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 2016.
The study analyzes the process of cultural property making from a perspective of privatized/publicized knowledge. It analyzes the designation of Hakka bayin music as a national cultural property in Taiwan and examines the role anthropologists and ethnomusicologists play in the process. (2016.05.04–2016.05.09)